NATSPEC Template Structure


In NATSPEC, each worksection Template includes Introductory Guidance, generally followed by  four parts (subsections): GENERAL, PRODUCTS, EXECUTION and SELECTIONS.

Introductory Guidance

Note: The Introductory Guidance style text assists the specifier in the development of the worksection and should be deleted before issue.


Worksection abstract

A worksection abstract is a brief description of the worksection’s content and application to assist you to select the most appropriate worksection.


Background provides a general discussion of the topic, warnings, recommendations or relevant documents applicable to the whole worksection.

Related material located elsewhere in NATSPEC

A list of relevant NATSPEC worksections in classification sequence. These worksections may have additional information for consideration. 

Cross references

A list of worksections that cross reference this worksection. A specification that includes the worksections listed must also include this worksection.

Material not included in NATSPEC

A list of topics/building elements for which no NATSPEC text exists in the worksection. This clause functions as a reminder of items that are not covered in the worksection but may be required by a specifier preparing a project specification.

Documenting this and related work

A list of items not covered in the worksection that could be considered when documenting the project, for example:

  • Suggestions on coordination, if appropriate.
  • Other worksections that may need to be modified to reflect the content of this worksection.
  • Requirements that are assumed to be shown on the drawings.

Specifying ESD

NATSPEC provides a means for meeting mandatory ESD requirements to the extent that these can be handled through the specification process. The ESD relevance of a NATSPEC-based specification will depend on the options and values chosen by the designer. This Guidance highlights default ESD text, optional ESD text and potential ESD text as follows:

  • The following may be specified by retaining default text:

ESD provisions from the worksection’s Normal style text that exceed NCC (National Construction Code) minimum requirement.

  • The following may be specified by using included options:

ESD provisions in Prompts, Optional text or items mentioned in Guidance.

  • The following may be specified by including additional text:

ESD related items or values that may be specified by adding information not already provided in Normal style or Guidance text.

See NATSPEC TECHreport 01 on specifying ESD 

1           GENERAL subsection

The GENERAL subsection includes clauses relating to the worksection as a whole. Not every worksection will have every clause.



A description of the work to be provided by the Contractor that is covered by this worksection. This may also define the extent of application of the worksection. It is also of value if there are several worksections dealing with similar subjects.

Provide is a Defined term in NATSPEC (0171 General requirements), meaning supply and install and includes development of the design beyond that documented.

This is not a Scope of works clause. See NATSPEC GEN 021 on the risks associated with scope of works clauses.


This subclause sets out performance requirements for the worksection.

1.2       DESIGN

If design, or completion of the design is the responsibility of the contractor, document the contractor’s design and documentation responsibilities in this clause. If the design, or completion of the design, is not the responsibility of the contractor, delete this clause and associated requirements. It highlights design requirements which which may be the contractor’s responsibility such as designer qualifications, authority requirements, design criteria and documentation requirements.

(Note that there is also a general requirement for design development by the contractor in 0171 General requirements which provides for design development beyond that documented by the building designer.)

If the Template text is Optional style, change Optional style text to Normal style text if applicable to your project. (link to how to change style) 


Product Partner details for Branded worksections only.



A List of worksections cross referenced by this worksection, arranged by National classification number. 0171 General requirements is cross referenced by all worksections as it contains umbrella requirements for all building and services worksections. It also cross references the 018 Common requirements subgroup of worksections and it is not necessary to repeat them here. These include:

  • 0181 Adhesives, sealants and fasteners.
  • 0182 Fire-stopping.
  • 0183 Metals and prefinishes.
  • 0184 Termite management.
  • 0185 Timber products, finishes and treatment.

Cross referenced worksections, including 0171 General requirements and the 018 Common requirements worksections, must be included in the project specification.

1.5       STANDARDS

This clause is applicable to standards that apply to the whole worksection only. Other standards dealing with specific elements should be cited in the relevant PRODUCTS or EXECUTION clause.

See NATSPEC TECHnote GEN002 on the use of Australian and other standards in specification writing.

Note that standards in Normal text are incorporated into the worksection, and construction contract, by reference. Standards mentioned only in Guidance text are for information only to assist the specifier to complete the worksection. A list of all cited standards including prefix, full title and year of publication, in both Normal and Guidance text, can be found in Guidance text at the end of each worksection. Refer to NATSOURCE for a complete list of standards cited in NATSPEC.



An alphabetical list of abbreviations occurring more than once in Normal style text.


An alphabetical list  of definitions of significant or unusual words occurring in Normal style text.

This subclause may also adopt the definitions in a nominated standard. National Construction Code (NCC) definitions are not repeated here.

1.7       TOLERANCES

Tolerances relating to the whole worksection, otherwise in EXECUTION.

This clause and tolerance tables may not be appropriate (especially for services) where tolerances are expressed as a value followed by a tolerance e.g. Total system flow: ± 5 % documented flow rate.


Alphabetical arrangement of submissions to be made by the contractor to the contract administrator. Document the requirement to make a submission here but document the related work in the appropriate PRODUCTS or EXECUTION clause.

General submission requirements such as timing, format etc are covered in 0171 General requirements under SUBMISSIONS. This clause lists the various types of submissions, e.g. authority approvals, certification, products and materials, shop drawings, etc.

Submissions from the contractor may be required for information, action/approval, completion and maintenance material. As a generic technical specification, it is beyond the scope of NATSPEC to offer any management system to handle the approval process. Consequently definitions and directions such as approved do not appear within the worksection text and NATSPEC does not distinguish between the various types of submissions.

The use of the word ‘proposed’ implies that the submission is for information/approval and its use is permitted.

See NATSPEC TECHnote GEN 014 for more on submissions.

Authority approvals

Notes of meetings with authorities whose requirements apply to the work and evidence that notices, fees and permits have been sought and paid, that authority connections are complete and that statutory approvals by the authorities whose requirements apply to the work have been received.

Submission required for information only.


Contractor/contractor’s consultant/subcontractor certification of construction as evidence of conformance to documented requirements, including certification that the plant and equipment submitted meets all requirements of the contract documents and that each installation is operating correctly, completion certificates and substrate acceptance.

Locate submission requirements for product certification by manufacturer of conformance to a standard or a product certification scheme under Products and materials.

Submission required for information/evidence of conformity.

Design documentation

Submission requirements for calculations, drawings, design data and details, proposed methods and construction systems, including shoring and propping, certification of performance of design to project criteria. Include if there are design requirements documented under DESIGN.

Submission required for information and/or approval.

Execution details

Submission requirements for execution programs (generally covered by Preliminaries), schedules and details of proposed methods and equipment.

Submission required for information and/or approval.

Locate submissions regarding completed work under Records.

Fire performance

Submission requirements for evidence of conformity to mandatory fire properties.

Submission required for information/evidence of conformity for fire hazard properties, combustibility and fire-resistance level.

Marking and labelling

Submission requirements for samples and schedules of proposed marking and labels. Generally not required as services worksections refer to 0171 General requirements.

Note any items requiring approval.

Operation and maintenance manuals

Submission requirements for operation and maintenance manuals required on completion of works. Content requirements should be detailed in COMPLETION, Operation and maintenance manuals.

Products and materials

Submission requirements for manufacturer’s products and materials data, including technical specifications and drawings, product data sheets, safety data sheets, package, handling, and storage instructions, evidence of conformity to standards (except fire performance and weathering), e.g. type tests, evidence of product certification, performance and rating tables and installation and maintenance recommendations. It demonstrates that material proposed by the contractor meets the project specifications and provides data for correct installation.

Select tests, as appropriate, for the particular worksection under development.


Requirementa for erection of prototypes and prototype panels of components, systems or elements, for approval.

0171 General requirements defines a prototype as a full size mock-up of components, systems or elements to demonstrate or test construction methods, junctions and finishes, and to define the level of quality.

Submission required for approval.


Submission requirements for dilapidation records, as-built documents, photographs, system diagrams, schedules and logbooks.

Submission required for information.


Submission requirements for representations of proposed products and materials and including samples, sample panels and proposals to incorporate samples into the works. When approved, samples indicate the source, quality and/or colour which are acceptable for inclusion in the work.

0171 General requirements defines a sample as a physical example that illustrates products, workmanship, materials, or equipment and establish standards by which the work will be judged. It includes samples and sample panels. See NTN GEN 004 on shop drawings and samples (link).

Submission required for approval.

Shop drawings

Submission requirements for shop drawings of layouts, joints, assembly details etc.  as evidence of contractor understanding of documented requirements. As shop drawings imply an approvals process, this may be styled as a prompt. Calculations may be included here. See NTN GEN 004 on shop drawings and samples.

Submission required for approval and/or information.


Submission requirements for subcontractor’s details that may be required for specialist items or finishing trades. This subclause is also applicable to a following trade’s acceptance of a substrate before application.

Submission required for information.


Submission requirements for evidence of testing and conformity with documented requirements detail the tests which are the contractor’s responsibility in EXECUTION,  and list the submissions required. For example:

  • Moisture content test results.
  • Slip resistance test results of completed installations. (Locate product type test under Products and materials).
  • Surface pH test results.
  • Accelerated wear test results.

See NATSPEC TECHnote GEN 014 for more on testing. 

0171 General requirements includes the following definitions for tests (type test results are required under Products and materials as the contractor is not responsible for carrying out the testing).

Tests - completion: Results for tests carried out on completed installations or systems and fully resolved before the date for practical completion, to demonstrate that the installation or system, including components, controls and equipment, operates correctly, safely and efficiently, and meets performance and other requirements. The contract administrator may direct that completion tests be carried out after the date for practical completion.

Tests - pre-completion: Results for tests carried out before completion tests, including:

  • Production: Tests carried out on a purchased item, before delivery to the site.
  • Progressive: Tests carried out during installation to demonstrate performance in according with this specification.
  • Site: Tests carried out on the site.


Describe the requirements of warranties in PRODUCTS or EXECUTION, COMPLETION, as appropriate, and list the submissions required (proposed warranty terms and/or manufacturer’s warranty and certificate of warranty here.

Submission required for approval and/or information.

Weatherproofing performance

Submission requirements for evidence of conformity to mandatory weatherproofing performance requirements.

Submission required for information/evidence of conformity to BCA weatherproofing performance.

Do not repeat required values or testing standards in SUBMISSIONS. Note, some testing standards also set out the reporting/certificate requirements and these standards may be cited here. Avoid duplication.

1.9       INSPECTION


A list of potential witness points. See NTN GEN 009 on hold points and witness points.

2           PRODUCTS subsection

The PRODUCTS subsection includes components and assemblies plus work done off site. Both PRODUCTS and/or SELECTIONS can be used to document systems or products. If there is only one system to be specified for the project, e.g. one type of carpet, a simple list of prompts under PRODUCTS may be all that is necessary. However, if a number of types of carpet are to be specified scheduling them in SELECTIONS will be more appropriate. Product description of a product type can be included under PRODUCTS and variants of the type instances can be scheduled. 

2.1       General

Storage and handling

Requirements for product delivery and handling on site.

2.2       Fire performance


This subclause is applicable to combustibility testing requirements of materials, if required. Submission of evidence of conformance is located in GENERAL, SUBMISSIONS, Fire performance. Document combustibility requirements in SELECTIONS, Performance schedule if applicable.

Fire hazard properties

This subclause is applicable to required fire hazard indices and fire testing requirements of materials. Submission of evidence of conformity is located in GENERAL, SUBMISSIONS, Fire performance. If fire hazard indices relate to the whole worksections, locate requirements here. If fire hazard indices are specific to particular products, locate in the appropriate product clause. Values for fire hazard properties varies with types of building elements and products.

2.3       PRODUCT X


Repeat this clause for multiple products, from most significant to least significant.


Selection of particular products within a product group may be achieved by one of the following methods:

  • Deleting all text which relates to items which are not required.
  • Completing prompts.
  • Completing SELECTIONS, Schedules.

Product properties

Include product testing method and acceptance criteria (standards or industry criteria). Delete if there are none or if documented under PRODUCTS, FIRE PERFORMANCE.

Document fire hazard properties here if the fire hazard properties are not applicable to all products or vary between products. Use same format and text in PRODUCTS, FIRE PERFORMANCE, Fire hazard properties.


Include testing method and acceptance criteria (standards or industry criteria). Document product type tests under Product properties.


2           EXECUTION subsection

EXECUTION includes installation and related topics. This subsection may be omitted for some worksections depending on worksection content, such as in 0191 Sundry items. Clauses and subclauses generally follow the execution order, e.g. preparation before installation.

3.1       Preparation

All tolerances other than substrate preparation tolerances should be located in GENERAL, TOLERANCES.

Substrate tolerance table


Tolerance requirement description A

Tolerance requirement description B

Property 1


Property 2


Property 3


Insert appropriate properties (e.g. Flatness) at Property 1, Property 2, etc. Insert a description of how the tolerance is to be measured at Tolerance requirement description A and B. :


Separate clauses or subclauses may be required for each element of the worksection.

3.3       TESTING

A list of on-site tests required and any requirements for their execution.

3.4       CLEANING

This clause is applicable if not under EXECUTION, COMPLETION, Cleaning.


Generally for Services worksections. List commissioning requirements.

3.6       TRAINING

For full and branded worksections only. Document contractor’s responsibilities for training of the principal’s personnel during the commissioning period.


This clause may be omitted depending on worksection content.

Operation and maintenance manual

Alternatively, if appropriate, Operation and maintenance manual may be a clause Heading 3.

Alternatively, if appropriate, Cleaning may be a clause Heading 3.


List the requirements of the action to be warranted. The submission of warranties is covered under SUBMISSIONS


Delete clause, if not required. This refers to maintenance to be performed during the construction contract, not on-going, post contract.

4.           SELECTIONS

SELECTIONS includes schedules and, less frequently, prompts, that summarise information about a related group of items in a tabular form such as:

  • Schedules for system performance.
  • Schedules documenting required properties of generic products to allow selection by contractor.
  • Schedules identifying proprietary products selected by the specifier for the project.

Selections may be made within the text, in schedules within the worksections or provided separately. With simple projects, all selections may be on the drawings. See NATSPEC TECHnote GEN 024 on using NATSPEC SELECTIONS Schedules.

A vertical format is used rather than the horizontal format typically found on architectural and engineering drawing sheets in order to fit the A4 portrait format of NATSPEC specifications.

See NATSPEC TECHnote GEN 024 on editing NATSPEC selection schedules.

Guidance on completing the Schedule can be found under each schedule, generally for each property listed in the first column.